Friday, July 9, 2010

Surgery Day: Two Faces in One Day

I arrived at he hospital at 6:30 am and was "under the knife" at 8:00 am. I was told it was a 5.5 hour surgery. But, despite the lengthy procedure they came out with good news, although I didn't find out this good news until the day after. Turns out my jaw lined up so well that they didn't need to wire it shut. They said that between the plates, screws, and rubber bands it was stabilized enough. Hopefully, this will reduce my recovery time!
After the surgery, I remember waking up with a sore throat (from the anesthesia). I was in and out of it all night, mainly dueto the nurses coming in every two hours to give me medicine or help me use the restroom because they had me on some I.V. fluids just to get me hydrated. I shortly figured out that I had a catheter in during thesurgery. Luckily, I don'tremember them taking it out! As soon as my dad saw me, he was already saying how different I looked, not from the swelling but structurely. Most of my family that saw me today think I look a lot more like my brother and cousin.


  1. You missed day two of the Hy-Vee Chinese deal. Still can't believe it.

  2. waaaaitt...are you not going to look like Michael Phelps anymore? I'm not sure how I feel about that...
