Sunday, July 18, 2010

Day 10: No More Penicillin!

Last night I slept the best yet. I got a combined 8.5 hours of sleep with just two brief awakenings. The first time I woke up was due to some discomfort in my jaw. I took a small dose of Motrin and iced my cheeks and read until I feel asleep. The second awakening was the result of falling asleep with ice on my face. I managed to sleep a straight 6 hours after these awakenings! It felt great not being the first one to wake up in the house!

I had my usual blended cereal mix, and my last morning dose of Penicillin. With all the advances in technology and food supplementation one would think they would be able to make Penicillin taste better than it does. I'm happy this is my last day of having to take it!

After breakfast, I showered and attempted to brush my teeth. In the shower I coughed up more of that nasty blood. When I got out of the shower I used a q-tip to clean out my nostrils as I could see some dried blood. As I cleaned them, I pulled out a huge scab. I asked my dad why
I am still getting nose bleeds. He said that when I take Ibuprofin (Motrin) it could thin my blood enough to cause some nose bleeds.

The rest of the day I iced my face but not as much as usual. I noticed the swelling is down a bit from the other day. Every other day I seem to notice a change in my swelling. I managed to go to a movie and hang out at my cousins with very little discomfort. Speaking is becoming less of a chore, along with drinking. Today, I tried to "eat" every couple of hours. I noticed when I went outside, I quickly become tired. I think my poor diet and the sun were having their way with me. I'm looking forward to weighing myself tomorrow and finding out what the "damage" was. If I had to guess I would say I've lost between 10-15 pounds. I'll let you know the true number tomorrow after my appointment with my family doctor. I also have an appointment with the oral surgeons tomorrow. I'm interested in seeing what they have to say.

Last night, while trying to brush my teeth, I noticed my teeth were touching in the front when I gently bit down. I also noticed I no longer had an under-bite. This spawned me to take a profile picture, above. So much different!