Last night was the first night I was able to sleep fully reclined without any discomfort. Up to this point I have had to lay in a way that left my head above my chest. This was to help prevent swelling. Last, night I decided to take it upon myself to try to sleep like I normally would. I slept on my stomach. It was so much more comfortable. I was also in my bed for the first half of the night so this may have added to the comfort. I woke up after about 3 hours of sleep before falling back to sleep for another 4 straight hours. This felt great! And, my tongue didn't feel like it was super glued to the roof of my mouth, but it was still pretty dry.
I woke up to my mom scurrying around the house as she was about to leave for South Carolina. My dad is leaving Tuesday after work, with or without me. I was just there with them in late May/early June but our house wasn't finished, yet. Now, it is finished and all the furniture is set to arrive Monday. I'd like to see the finished product. If I went, I would have a friend meet me down there (he works for an airline so it wouldn't cost him much, if anything). But, I would have to ride in a van with my dad and a family friend-17 hours! I'm not sure I can handle 17 hours in a van at this point in my recovery. The doctor has okay'd it but I think the ride would be miserable. After all, it wasn't any fun when I wasn't recovering from surgery. This decision is occupying a lot of my thoughts. Today, I was home by myself (except for two dogs) all day except for a trip to my Grandparents' house, next door. I was pretty bored. I figured this is how it is going to be if I don't go to South Carolina. Decisions, decisions...Any suggestions?
Back to my jaw. Surprisingly, my jaw didn't give me any pain while I slept on my stomach. I can't wait for the night I sleep straight through. I woke up extremely hungary. Like usual, I had my blended cereal for breakfast. I have felt fine pretty much the whole day. My jaw is a little sore, almost like the soreness you might feel after chewing a laffy-taffy for a long time or something. Weird, considering I can barely move my jaw. But, I have noticed more mobility. I have been spitting up thick, dark red blood, though. I wonder if maybe I coughed too hard and it opened an incision or something like that. I have had a tiny headache. I'm on my last two days of taking Penicillin, thankfully! I don't particularly like the way that stuff tastes.
I have been eating every few hours. Today, I tried some Bob Evans macaroni and cheese. It went down without much of a fight. I'm glad to have found another option for a meal. I have noticed that I am cold most of the time, now. I think this is the result of my weight loss. I cannot wait to eat solid foods! I'm already planning my binge. Thinking about it alone increases my drooling. And yes, I'm still drooling quite a bit. I still have no feeling in my lips, chin, end of my nose, and part of my cheeks. i have also noticed that my nose is still crooked, hopefully due to swelling!
Mumble to you later.
If you dont want to go to HH, you can come take my call for me and I'll go in your place...just sayin.
Haha if only I were qualified to take your call...o and didn't have jaw thats broken in several places! Today, Im leaning towards going but who knows!