Well, last night I was able to sleep for a combined 8 hours but, again, they were interrupted every couple hours. I managed to get four hours in a row after taking vicodin at 2 am. That was the last time I took it. Since then, I have been fine with just the Motrin. I think the swelling has gone done a little because I feel a little more comfortable, unless I'm just getting use to the swelling. I've only had a few bouts of sharp pain in my jaw and those have only come when I have had to yawn. I have noticed I have had to yawn a lot today. My poor sleep must be catching up to me. I have been keeping a lot of ice on my cheeks and I think it has really helped. I start to feel uncomrtable shortly after I take it off. But, when I put ice below my eyes (where I think the cheek implants are) it feels so foreign. Heat really seems to help that area. I spend a lot of time going back and forth between the ice packs and a hot wash cloth on my face. That's me with my ice packs.
It's funny how much food commercials seem to stand out when you can't eat! I have seen some commercials for Chili's new burgers and I almost instantly start drooling. Also, my parents have been eating carry out since the surgery. Whenever they bring it home, I get a good whiff of it and wish I could just take a big bite out of it. Tonight, my mom is making spaghetti and I can smell the noodles. They smelled good enough that I had to eat while she was making them. I had a lovely strawberry milkshake with added protein. I drank the whole thing out of the cup, no syringe! It didn't last long, needless to say. I saw on Twitter that someone was going to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. I am so jealous! I honestly think I could handle a piece of cheesecake right now. I mean, they are soft enough, right?! I think what this whole rant on foods is suppose to mean is that I am already tired of the liquids, although the broths have treated me better than expected.
I'm also getting tired of day-time tv, and movies. I fell asleep for a whole movie again today. I am looking forward to some of the new ones coming out tomorrow so I might have to ask my mom to pick them up for me. I'm really hoping my new laptop comes soon because that will give me something to do for a while. I guess I could always read, too. I want the book called "The SH** My Dad Says." I've read a few exerpts from it and they were hilarious!
My lips are getting really dry, or at least I think. I still cannot feel them but the are looking and feeling (when I touch them with my finger) dry. I had my mom put Vaseline on them. I forgot how much I hate the smell of that stuff!
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