Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 16: I Can Feel My Nose...Almost.

Another great night of sleep followed by another great afternoon nap. After both bouts of sleep I noticed and felt some swelling in my lips, again. I think this is just the result of lying down. I've decided that until school starts on August 10th, I am going to sleep whenever I feel tired enough to sleep. I hope that this will make up for all the sleep I've missed and get me ahead for all the sleep I'm going to miss.

Today was another day with no pain in my jaw. I managed to snap a rubber band while attempting to eat a doughnut (I pretty much put tiny pieces of it in my mouth and let it sit there until it was soggy enough to swallow). I also managed to replace the rubber band all by myself (the oral surgeon gave me a bunch incase this happened, but forgot to show me how to put them on). Since, the rubber band was off I figured I would try chewing a soft piece of doughnut. Let's just say I don't think I'm quite physically ready for chewing, despite how mentally ready I am. The whole chewing motion just felt weird, too.

I noticed some feeling at the tip of my nose and top lip, but not much. I'm still numb in the lower lip and chin. With each feeling in these areas, I get more excited that this whole process is coming closer to its end. The other day I went to kiss my dog on the top of her head before remembering I couldn't feel my lips. I was reminded of this incident today while my cousin kissed her horse, and I thought I'm lucky not to have a girlfriend at this point in time because there would be a lot (hopefully) of wasted kisses. It was really weird knowing your lips are touching something and not feeling it. I've wondered how many times I've burned my lips in the last 16 days while drinking hot broth. I can remember a couple of times where I swallowed some extremely hot broth and was thankful I couldn't feel my lips.

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