Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 18:Doing Well

I had another appointment with the oral surgeon today. He was probably in the room with me no more than 3 minutes. During our brief meeting he said that everything looked good and that I'm doing a great job keeping everything clean, and to keep it up. He asked me a few questions and before I knew it, it was over. I didn't ask him about when I move and push my tongue on the top of my mouth and the looseness I feel since he said everything looked good. I'll see him and the other oral surgeon that was involved with the procedure again in a week.

With each passing day I am beginning to feel more comfortable and more motile with facial expressions. The nurses at the oral surgeon's office even noticed my smiling as I walked in. I could even hear them talking down the hall from me about my smile and the fact the swelling is down so much since the last time they saw me. This made feel good.

I haven't had much of that discomfort today like I had yesterday. I tried to sleep more on back to avoid sleeping on my jaw last night just incase this was the cause of that pain. I just noticed that the cheek implants didn't feel so foreign today. Normally, I'll notice them several times a day, but not today. I'm still numb in most of the areas but I think its beginning to wear off. The left side of my top lip and part of my cheek is beginning to regain feeling. My chin to lower lip area is still completely numb.


  1. If you need any light Neapolitan ice cream, let me know.

  2. I'm needing nothing 'light' these days, but thanks
