Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 42: Happy Birthday Mom!

Well, today marks six weeks since the surgery and my mom's birthday! I'm doing well, and absolutely craving a Old Timer with cheddar cheese, plain from Chili's! It's the only food that has come across my mind when I have been hungry. I'm hoping at Monday's appointment with the oral surgeon that I will be cleared to chew. I also hope he clears me to run and jump so that I can join my classmates in basketball!

School started this past monday and I got the flu or something by tuesday. It has forced me to miss a couple days of lectures but I was forced to go to the mandatory labs. I never thought I would be this far behind after one week. But, if I had to get sick I'm glad it happened this week and not mid-semester when things are moving even faster! Speaking of labs, in our first lab we had to take all sorts of measurements of the body, one of which was weight. I weighed in at 177 pounds-a three pound gain! Granted, it was a different scale.

I think I still have a little bit of swelling but not as much as a couple weeks ago. I noticed today that my cheeks felt normal, or that my cheek implants no longer felt extremely foreign. I'm still mostly numb on my lower lip and completely numb on my chin. I am constantly wiping my chin in fear that I have a piece of food dangling from it without me feeling it dangling there. My speech is still needing some improving. My S's are pronounced more as S-H's, right now. My whole enunciation is off, and worse than before. I'm not sure if its the four rubber bands I have in my mouth, the repositioning of my jaw, or what is the cause of my poor speech at this point. But it really feels like my lower jaw is so much closer to my tongue, which is taking some getting use to.

This past weekend I got to see a good friend from high school while I was in the city. He hadn't seen me since the surgery. I met him inside a crowded bar, where I was told to look for him in the back near the bar. I made my way towards the back, excited to his reaction. I saw him making his way towards me and I just stopped and stared at him as he was about to walk right by me. I saw his eyes scan my face and move on, then immediately they came back to me. He recognized me! Later on he would say that he couldn't believe how much I looked like my brother. He also complemented me on my extremely straight teeth as I was showing him my teeth that now touched. He was with his girlfriend and her sorority sisters who I have met a few times. His girlfriend recognized me but her friends swore they had never met me, at least thats the way they acted. But, it was great to see him and some familiar faces!

I'm going home this weekend at some point because I have my appointment with the oral surgeon early monday morning. Another one of my good friends from high school will be home, too. She also has not seen my "new" face, so I am looking forward to seeing her even more so than usual.

Well, I better get back to studying before I get even more behind.


  1. cheek implants? did i miss something?

  2. sorry, been busy. But, yea, cheek about that? They thought it would be the icey on the cake (and relatively cheap since the surgeons were already in there). They said I had a hallow look in my eyes before and this would bring it all together. So, I did it.

  3. what did they use?? I know in L.A. they take the fat from your ass sometimes. I have a feeling it didnt work the same way with yours

  4. haha no it was an implant of some artificial sort, I'm not sure what its made of...probably some polymer. But they are wired and screwed in, you can kind of seem them on the x-ray. And they are actually directly below my eyes, next to my nose...but i they are still called "cheek" implants.
