Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 29: Insert Witty Title Here

Another day of minimal noticeable changes, but these minimal changes are adding up. I am feeling more and more comfortable with talking and making facial expressions. Smiling and yawning no longer hurt much. Yesterday, I had done more laughing and smiling than usual and was surprised when I woke up without any soreness from this.

I'm still following the doc's orders and not chewing. I had lasagna today for lunch and I was able to handle it without any chewing. Thanks again to Patrick for taking me out for lunch, it's always nice to get out of the house. I'll be out of the house for good come the end of the weekend. I am moving up to school on Saturday night and will come back Sunday for Monday morning appointments with my orthodontist and oral surgeon.

It turns out that the bill we received the other day was just the surgeon's fee, not the complete bill. That would explain why it was significantly less that we thought it was going to be. Yesterday, while visiting our friend in the hospital, I saw a sign that looked more like a menu showing the cost of common procedures at the hospital. It had anesthesia listed at $50 a minute! (My surgery was roughly 5 hours long, yikes!) Hopefully insurance will be picking that up!

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