Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 127-ish: A Mouth Free of the Constraints and Restraints of Braces

Well, it has been a while since my last post and I apologize to anyone out there that was actually upset by this. But, school has kept me busier than I have ever been and there has been little noticeable change in my mouth during this time, until now. Earlier this week I got my braces taken off and I couldn't have been more excited. I was giddy like a little school girl on the inside for this to finally be here. After approximately 717 days of braces, I was excited to see the final results of them and my jaw surgery. I could walk you through each and every moment and emotion as the orthodontist plucked off each and every bracket until she pulled out each row of braces in one piece, but I'll sum it up by saying that with each pluck of a bracket, my confidence was slowly increasing to a level hardly felt during the past 717 days. Immediately after, I felt the slime-like feeling on my teeth and just smiled. At last, a mouth free of foreign objects...but not for long. Shortly after having the braces removed, my teeth were polished and cleaned. Then a few official "after" pictures were taken along with an x-ray. But before I knew it, my mouth was filled with the strawberry flavored goo that is used to make impressions that would be used to make my new retainers. After five impressions, a new personal record for a single orthodontist office visit if I'm not mistaken, and a messy face I was cleaned up and sent on my way to enjoy a day without braces or any other orthodontic equipment in my mouth.

The first thing I did was drove over to my dad's office and show him. His office staff hadn't seen me since the surgery and seemed genuinely impressed or surprised with my "new" look. They got a kick out of the fact that I stopped by only to show my new smile to my dad. He wasn't nearly as excited as I was, but let's be honest-who is going to be? But, I could tell he was happy for me.

Next, I went home only to be side tracked by the fact that aunt and cousin's cars were parked in my grandparent's driveway. I had to stop by and show them my new smile. I felt like a little kid during show and tell as I smiled big for them. Shortly after showing my grandma, she had a senior moment by asking me "Now Jake, are those your real teeth? Can you eat, chew, and brush those just like before?" I held back my laugh and kindly answered her, "Yup, these are the real deal, Grandma. They are the same as before just reshaped and realigned."

Before I knew it, it was time to head to the oral surgeon for another check in with him. After I told him I just got the braces off, he took a look and like usual he spit out a few positive adjectives to describe what he was seeing. Today's adjectives were "awesome" followed with "wow" and capped off with a hybrid "Wo-wesome." He asked if I was happy with the results of everything to which I answered by saying that I was happy with the results and will be extremely happy once I can get this lisp to go away. (I have been having trouble with the "s" and "z" sounds and would later meet with a speech pathologists who gave me a few pointers and with some time and practice I should be lisp-free.) I forgot to tell/ask him about the numbness I still feel in part of by bottom lip and chin. But I'm hoping that the nerves are still healing and I will regain more feeling in that area. He said that everything looked great and that he wouldn't need to see me for about 6 months. At the next appointment he said we would take some pictures and an x-ray to make sure nothing shifted during the healing process.

Early the next morning I was back at the orthodontist's office being fitted with a clear retainer to be worn on my top teeth during the day, a night time retainer also for the top, and a permanent retainer glued on the inside of my bottom, front teeth. And just like that, my mouth was full of orthodontic equipment again. But, these definitely beat the old equipment! I will be back to see her in about 6 weeks, after which she hopes I will not have to wear the clear retainer during the day and I will get to see the official before and after pictures (which I plan on posting for you all to see).

The next day I flew out to California with my cousin to visit my brother. I had a new confidence that I was excited to live with and what better of place to get use to this than in the paradise that is Southern California. Needless to say, it was a good trip. Here are some pictures from the trip, notice the new smile! haha:

Now it's back to the real world. Only now, I'm not constrained or restrained by braces and it feels great!